Season Finale Overlay default
Plex Flix
One of my (users') favorite overlays I use is one to indicate that the newly added episode for a TV Series is the season/show Finale. In my time in the discord and on other related communities I've seen plenty of interest in this.
Since there is currently no way to automate this, I have Kometa apply the overlay based on a label I add manually (+ episode_air_date: 14).
To easily identify the shows with finales that need the label, I put together a script that connects to the Sonarr API and gives me a list of shows that had a season finale in the past 14 days (variable). Then I just add the label to those shows and my Kometa config will add the overlay and remove it again if the episode_air_date filter has been exceeded. (I then need to make sure I remove the label before a new season starts..)
It would be great if this code/approach could one day used to have a 'season finale' overlay become one of the Kometa overlay defaults. I'm sure other people would like it too.
Attached a screenshot of my script output. and an example of a season finale overlay. (I added an additional logic in Kometa overlay config that changed "Season Finale" to "Final Episode" in case the show status is "ended" or "cancelled"
I am not a developper and was only able to make this thanks to the existence of AI.. but I'd be more than happy to share the code and help however I can. I'm in the Discord as BENEEKO
Chaz Larson
How is this different to
Plex Flix
Chaz LarsonI guess I could've continued on that thread, but whereas that was a general feature request without really having an idea on how to implement it well, this is a request to use my code/approach specifically.
The approach talked about previously looked at the status/labels found on tvdb/tmdb/sonarr/trakt etc but that is not a good method as tons of labels are missing since this is done manually by people.
The approach suggested here (see repo I posted) doesn't rely on those labels.
Chaz Larson
Plex Flix
Well, I suppose the other is a request for the feature and this is a request to use a specific implementation.
Plex Flix
Chaz Larson yes that's what I meant. They can be merged though, that'd be fine by me